Cooked and prepared in our own kitchen your ‘Drop-Off’ meal will be delivered at a time to suit you. All sides and salads are prepared freshly by Lynn Hilditch Catering and are delivered with the main dishes ready for heating up, and serving at your leisure. When Lynn arrives at your house she will decant all main meals, sides and deserts into appropriate pans and dishes, so you really don’t have to do much else other than enjoy!
For example if your order is fish pie, it will be delivered to your house pre cooked by Lynn, just ready to warm up. Any vegetables you have requested arrive bagged, washed and prepared, ready for you to put straight into boiling water. Salads are ready to serve, with Lynn’s own salad dressing delivered in a separate container and our home made bread is freshly baked for you
So, half an hour before you wish to eat just pop your pie in the oven, enjoy a cold glass of champagne , place your meal on the table and enjoy. We can even provide the meals in disposable dishes so you don’t have to wash up!
Contact Lynn for more details:
If you prefer to speak in person then feel free to call me on:
Mobile: 07775 733608